Have you seen our Gusto HR Integration?

Sonia Liapounova
Sonia Liapounova Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team Posts: 210 Expensify Team
edited December 2018 in Product Updates

Hi all :smiley: I'm excited to announce that we have a new HR integration with Gusto!

The integration will automatically,

  • Provision Expensify accounts for all full-time, active employees as soon as they're added to Gusto.
  • Update the approval workflow in Expensify based on any changes in Gusto.
  • Deprovision employees’ Expensify accounts upon their termination date.

You can save time on configuring your policy by selecting the "Manager Approval" workflow when setting up your integration. This workflow will automatically set each user's Gusto manager as their first approver in Expensify. No need to manually update every time a manager changes, we'll do it for you! You can always change your selection under the People section of your policy settings.

If you haven't yet tried out the integration, feel free to check it out and connect your policy. You can set up a connection under Settings > Policies > Groups > [Policy Name] > Connections > scroll down to HR Integrations > Gusto

Take a look at our help doc for more detailed information about this integration. Excited to hear what you think!