API Report Exporter Returns "No Template Submitted"

Rae Expensify Customer Posts: 5 Expensify Newcomer

I've copied the following curl request directly from the API documentation and imported it into Postman. The only parameter changes I made were to the partnerUserID, partnerUserSecret, startDate, endDate, and recipients. It returns {"responseMessage":"No Template Submitted","responseCode":410}. Can I not use the default template like I can for the Reconciliation file?

curl -X POST 'https://integrations.expensify.com/Integration-Server/ExpensifyIntegrations' \
-d 'requestJobDescription={
"markedAsExported":"Expensify Export"
{"actionName":"markAsExported","label":"Expensify Export"},
{"actionName":"email","recipients":"myemail@domain.com", "message":"Report is ready."}
--data-urlencode 'template@expensify_template.ftl'

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