Scheduled submit and no violations

Lizzie Expensify Customer Posts: 31 Expensify Newcomer


Can you clarify my scenario, based on what we have set up on our Control policy:

  1. Weekly submissions
  2. Rules in place on expenses and categories
  3. Have MGR approval workflows

Do those expense reports that have no violations from employee based on the above either:

  1. Go directly to MGR without employee hitting "submit" on Sunday OR
  2. Do those employee expense reports not even get reviewed by MGR and get directly imported to NS since had no violations?

Thank you,



  • Rachael Hopkins
    Rachael Hopkins Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 904 Expensify Team

    Hi @Lizzie

    Yes the reports will be submitted on a Sunday and then what happens next is up to your settings.

    On the People tab, under the Workflow, you'll see 'Should expenses that pass both levels of review also require manual approval?' - if this is set to No, the approvals will be done by Concierge as long as there are no violations.

    If the NetSuite export is set to Autosync, then the expenses will be exported as soon as they're final approved.

  • Lizzie
    Lizzie Expensify Customer Posts: 31 Expensify Newcomer

    You addressed the above - thank you, but have connecting question.

    If work flow on...…..Should expenses that pass both levels of review also require manual approval?' - if this is set to No, the approvals will be done by Concierge as long as there are no violations...…..does that expense report still sit in MGR box for "Final Approval" or will it automatically skip MGR and get synced to NS.

    Thank you!

  • Sheena Trepanier
    Sheena Trepanier Expensify Team, Approved! Accountant, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 1,362 Expensify Team

    Hi @Lizzie, if the report had no violations at all, Concierge would apply all levels of approval and it would go from processing, to approved, to exported to NetSuite without ever waiting for an internal manager to review and Final Approve it.