Deep Dive: Reopening a report to alter expenses

Stevie LaFortune
Stevie LaFortune Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 240 Expensify Team
edited June 2021 in Deep Dive Docs

Keep in mind, you won’t be able to make adjustments from the mobile app.

To adjust expenses, they must be in an open state.  If the report has been submitted but not yet approved, the submitter can either “Undo Submit” or “Retract” the report to make any needed changes.

If the report has been approved, the submitter need to contact an Admin in the company to help correct the report.  The approver will have the option to unapprove if the report has not been reimbursed or exported. 

Notice at the top to the report, there isn’t an option available to get control of an approved report.  

The approver will need to select “unapprove”.

The approver will have the option to “Reject”, which will put the report back in the submitters account as an "Unsubmitted" report.

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