ExpensifyApproved! Best Practice: How to offboard a client

Maddy Lewis
Maddy Lewis Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 120 Expensify Team

From time to time, a client will leave your firm and you'll need to gracefully offboard them. Use this guide to make that transition as smooth as possible.

Since the process of offboarding a client differs depending on whether a policy is client-owned or partner-owned, this guide will cover both setups below.

Client-owned policy

When a client is the policy’s billing owner, you’ll need to determine how integral you are to your client's day-to-day expense reporting process and transfer these duties over to the client. Here are some things to consider when offboarding:


Are you able to reimburse on your client’s policy? 

If so, the client should un-share the withdrawal account from you by heading to Settings > Your Account > Reimbursement and clicking “Unshare.” Note: Only users who currently have withdrawal access will be able to un-share withdrawal access from other users.

Are you the only user able to reimburse? 

If you’re the only reimburser, you must share the withdrawal account with your client before you’re able to leave the policy. To share a withdrawal account, head to Settings > Your Account > Reimbursement and click “Share”.

Alternatively, your client can add the withdrawal account to their Expensify account and proceed with the verification process. Take a look here for more information on how to add a withdrawal account.

Once your client has access to the withdrawal account, they should un-share it from you or, alternatively, you can delete the withdrawal account from your own Expensify account. 

 Approval Workflow

Are you an approver or final approver in your client’s approval workflow? 

If so, you’ll need to replace all instances of your email in the approval workflow with your client’s email by heading to Settings > Policies > Select the Policy > People

Domain Control

Does your client have Domain Control enabled? 

If your client has Domain Control enabled and you’re a Domain Admin or a Domain member, your client will need to remove all instances of your email. This action will completely revoke your access to your client’s domain in Expensify.

Is your client a Domain Admin?

If not, you must make your client a Domain Admin before they’re able to leave the domain.


Are you a Technical Contact for your client’s accounting package? 

If so, you or your client will need to change the Technical Contact before you’re able to fully leave the policy. To do this, head to Settings > Policies > Group > [Policy Name] > Connections > Configure.

Once you’ve completed the steps above, your client will be able to fully own their policy. 

Partner-owned policy

When a partner (you!) owns the policy, you must ensure that any instances of your email are removed before your client can take over billing. This can be as simple as removing all emails related to your team or as involved as reworking the approval workflow to ensure there are no gaps in the approval process. Whatever the case, it’s important to work in tandem with your client to ensure a smooth transition. 

When offboarding a client, we recommend following all of the steps above as well as the additional steps below.


Is your client an admin on their policy?

If not, you’ll need to designate a policy admin before your client is able to take over billing. To do this, head to Settings > Policies > Group > [Policy Name] > People > click on the Cogwheel and change the user’s role from “Employee” or “Auditor” to “Admin”.

Consolidated Domain Billing 

Has Consolidated Domain Billing been enabled on your account? 

If so, your client will be able to transfer ownership of the policy – as well as Expensify’s billing receipt – once they take over billing from you.

Billing Credit Card on File

Is your client’s Expensify subscription paid with your credit card or their credit card?

When your client is ready to take over billing, they’ll need to enter new or updated credit card credentials in order to proceed. If your client is lagging in this regard, there are a couple of steps we can take to push this process along – just reach out to concierge@expensify.com!


Are you under an annual Expensify subscription?

When your client takes over billing, they’ll default to an annual subscription for their active users. Your subscription will not change.  

Once the steps above have been taken, have your client head to Settings > Policies > Group > [Policy Name] > Overview > click Take Over Billing.

Once your client has taken over billing, you’ll be able to leave the policy or your client can remove you from it. To leave a policy, head to Settings > Policies > Group > [Policy Name] > Cogwheel and select “Leave”. This completes the offboarding process. 

If you have any questions, just ask in the Community or write to concierge@expensify.com