ExpensifyApproved! Best Practice: Creating a Super Admin Account

Maddy Lewis
Maddy Lewis Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 120 Expensify Team

If your firm manages – or will manage – more than five clients in Expensify, create a super admin account to maintain full visibility into your clients’ policies and domains at scale.

Creating a Super Admin Account

With a super admin account, you can easily view and access every client policy in Expensify through one account, making mass updates a breeze. Also, a super admin account prevents a single point of failure if an accountant – who’s also a policy admin – leaves your firm. 

As a best practice for growing firms, we recommend creating one super admin email (such as expensify@yourdomain.com) and adding this user as a policy admin in the People section of every client policy in Expensify.

As a refresher, the ideal client policy setup in Expensify should include the following users in the People section:

  1. The client’s employees (Employee user role)
  2. The accountant(s) managing the client’s policy (Policy Admin user role)
  3. The super admin account (Policy Admin user role)

Note: If you don’t create a super admin account, your client’s policies will only be viewable and accessible through each individual accountant’s Expensify account. 

How to maintain Domain Admin access across client domains

Similar to the steps listed for client policies, we recommend adding the same super admin email as a Domain Admin to every client domain in Expensify. If your clients have company cards assigned at the domain-level, the super admin email will need to be a Domain Admin on the client's domain to have access to that card connection.

This will grant your team visibility and access to the domain settings for every client, which is necessary for making adjustments or changes at the domain level. 

Will this style of account be free to use?

Since a super admin account is intended to act as a "view-only" account, it shouldn't generate any billable user activity.

There is one exception to this. If the super admin account is taking over client policies and becoming the billing owner for those policies and Scheduled Submit is enabled on the policy. Since a billing invoice would be automatically added to a report, that is considered billable activity. 

If you have any questions, just ask in the Community or write to concierge@expensify.com