FAQ: Trouble connecting my card, getting "Account not found/Card number changed" error.

Isabela Stisser
Isabela Stisser Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 200 Expensify Team
edited December 2019 in Day to Day

This error message appears when you have been issued a new card, or if there's been a significant change to the account in some other way (password and/or card number change).

When your online bank/card account password has been changed, you may need to update the details on the Expensify end as well. You can repair the connection from your web account, by following Settings > Your Account > Credit Card Import page if it's a personal card, or a Domain Admin will have to re-assign the card via Settings>Domain Control > Company Cards.

If there has been a recent change to the card number, you’ll have to remove the card with the previous number and re-import the card using the new number. This can be done via Settings > Your Account > Credit Card Import if it’s a personal card, or a Domain Admin will have to re-assign the card via Settings > Domain Control > Company Cards. Before removing the card, please ensure all Open reports have been submitted, as removing the card will remove all imported transactions from the account that are associated with that card.

Keep in mind that while you can successfully import a card that is not activated and/or doesn’t have posted transactions yet, the expenses will only appear in your Expensify account once they are fully posted and not in pending status with the bank.

On that same note, company cards will only be available to assign to users once there have been posted transactions on the cards since the feed was imported to your Expensify account.