I'm getting 200 OK responses from the API end point, but is the response supposed to be JSON?

Sash Expensify Customer Posts: 1

Hello - I've tried a couple of different requests: 1. create a policy, 2. get a list of policies. However, in both cases my REST client cannot seem to be able to process the response (it seems mediaType being returned is null, should be APPLICATION_JSON).

Can you confirm that the response returned is indeed JSON?

Below is the request/response log:

2019-09-23 11:48:09,435 main WARN [com.ambernet.usep.NEP.EXPENSIFY.ExpensifyApi.policyCreate]

>>:USEP::>> EXPENSIFY: ExpensifyApi.policyCreate failed in 60ms, retry 2 of 2 in 2 seconds

org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException: MessageBodyReader not found for media type=application/octet-stream, type=class cloudmgr.usep.unep.access.expensify.api.PolicyCreateResponse, genericType=class cloudmgr.usep.unep.access.expensify.api.PolicyCreateResponse.

2019-09-23 11:48:11,438 main DEBUG [usep.REST.expensify-test.expensify]

>>:USEP::>> 3 * Sending client request on thread main

3 > POST https://integrations.expensify.com/Integration-Server/ExpensifyIntegrations

3 > Accept: application/json

3 > Content-Type: application/json

3 > Keep-Alive: timeout=60

{"credentials":{"partnerUserID":"XXXXXX","partnerUserSecret":"YYYYYYY"},"inputSettings":{"policyName":"My New Policy","type":"policy"},"type":"create"}

2019-09-23 11:48:11,482 main DEBUG [usep.REST.expensify-test.expensify]

>>:USEP::>> 3 * Client response received on thread main

3 < 200

3 < Content-Length: 75

3 < Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 16:48:12 GMT

3 < Server: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1.1

3 < Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;

3 < X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.1 JSP/2.3 (GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1.1 Java/Private Build/1.8)

2019-09-23 11:48:11,484 main WARN [com.ambernet.usep.NEP.EXPENSIFY.ExpensifyApi.policyCreate]

>>:USEP::>> EXPENSIFY: ExpensifyApi.policyCreate failed in 47ms, after 3 attempts
