FAQ: NetSuite: You do not have permissions to set a value for element {ReceiptURL}

Christina Dobryzynski
Christina Dobryzynski Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 267 Expensify Team
edited September 2020 in Integrations and API

When you encounter the ExpensiError NS0037: You do not have permissions to set a value for element {ReceiptURL} error, you can resolve it using the instructions below.

Step 1

In NetSuite, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms then search for the form type that the report is being exported as in NetSuite (Expense Report, Journal Entry, or Vendor Bill) and click Edit next to the form that has the Preferred checkbox checked.

Step 2

If the report is being exported as an Expense Report:

  • Go to Screen Fields > Expenses (the Expenses tab farthest to the right) > make sure the field ReceiptURL has the Show checkbox checked.

If the report is being exported as a Journal Entry:

  • Go to Screen Fields > Lines > make sure the field ReceiptURL has the Show checkbox checked.

If the report is being exported as a Vendor Bill:

  • Go to Screen Fields > Main > make sure the field ReceiptURL has the Show checkbox checked.

Step 3

Click Sync Now to the NetSuite connection at Settings > Policies > Group > [Policy Name] > Connections and export the Report(s) again.
