FAQ: NetSuite: Expenses Not Categorized with a NS Account

Christina Dobryzynski
Christina Dobryzynski Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 267 Expensify Team
edited December 2019 in Integrations and API

The common error ExpensiError NS0045: Expenses Not Categorized with a Netsuite Account can be resolved with the instructions found below.


1. Within Expensify go to Settings > Policies > Groups > [Policy Name] > Connections and click Sync Now under your NetSuite connection.

2. Try to export and if unsuccessful then see step #3.

3. Go into your NetSuite account and do a global search for the missing record.

  • Please ensure that the expense category is active and has the correct name.
  • Please ensure that the category is associated to the correct subsidiary that the Expensify Policy is associated to.

4. In Expensify, re-sync the policy. 

5. Go back to the report then click the offending expense(s) to re-apply the category.

6. Try to export again.

If you're unable to resolve this error following the steps above, please reach out to the Success Team via Concierge.
