How-to: Download NetSuite logs to assist with troubleshooting

Katie Oswalt
Katie Oswalt Expensify Success Coach - Admin Posts: 170 Expensify Team
edited December 2019 in How-to Docs

Every once in awhile, we might need some extra information from you in order to figure out what might be going awry with your NetSuite connection or export attempts. Grabbing your NetSuite web services usage logs are incredibly helpful for us to take a deeper look.

You can send these to us by following these steps below:

  • Attempt to export a report. This is what will generate the most up-to-date logs for us.
  • In NetSuite, use the global search bar at the top to search for "Web Services Usage Log"

  • Search for the Record Type {journalEntry OR expenseReport OR vendorBill} and for the Add action

  • For the most recent one, click on the two blue view links under the columns REQUEST and RESPONSE: these are the two .xml files that we would need (The word under the STATUS column should say FAILED - that's the one we want!)
Send these two files over to with any details, report IDs, or other context so that we can take a quick look at what's giving you trouble!