Deep Dive: Default export templates

Victoria O'leary
Victoria O'leary Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 110 Expensify Team
edited August 2022 in Deep Dive Docs
So you've mastered the art of creating expense reports in Expensify, and now you want to start sorting and analyzing this data - where do you start?

Report Export Options

Let's just take a moment to get the basics out of the way. Here's how to export a report in 3 easy steps:
  1. Jump into your Reports page
  2. Select the reports you want to export (you can use the filters to help you find the reports your after)
  3. Select the "Export to" button in the top right corner

Now you're caught up the basics, let's have a look at your export options.

Default export formats

As you should be able to see, all Group policy members have access to a few Default report export formats. So let's take a look at what each one does:
  • All Data - Expense Level Export - The name says it all! This is for the people who want ALL the detail from their expense reports. We're talking Tax, Merchant Category Codes, Approvers - you name it, this report's got it!
  • All Data - Report Level Export - This is the report for those who don't need to see each individual expense but want to see a line by line breakdown at a report level - submitter, total amount, report ID - that kind of stuff.
  • Basic Export - This is the best way to get a simple breakdown of all your expenses - just the basics.
  • Canadian Multiple Tax Export - Tax, GST, PST...if you need to know tax then this is the export you want!
  • Category Export - Want to see a breakdown of your expenses by Category? This is the export you.
  • Per Diem Export - The name says it all.
  • Tag Export - Much like the Category Export, but for Tags.

Formatting exported reports

Your spreadsheet program might format some of the exported data in an exponential form (1.7976931348623157e+308). If that happens, you can correct it by changing the data to Plain Text or a Number in your spreadsheet program.  

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If you have any other questions, why not see if someone in the Community can help! Otherwise, shoot us a message on