Deep Dive: Saving and exporting reports in Expensify

Kirk Barrett
Kirk Barrett Expensify Success Coach - Admin Posts: 128 Expensify Team
edited October 2020 in Deep Dive Docs
Expensify saves your data as long as you have an Expensify account, but the ‘Generate PDF’ option and exporting reports as a CSV offer added value. Both functions allow you to save, print, and back up your reports if you're not exporting reports to a connected accounting package.

Exporting as a PDF

  • Exporting reports as a PDF -- A PDF will allow you to send your reports to others via email or to save them locally for auditing.

Only reports with at least one expense can be saved as a PDF. In doing so, all of the expenses, any attached receipts, and all reports notes will be assembled in to a PDF file which can be sent to anyone or stored locally as a back up. You cannot download multiple reports to a PDF at once; this action must be performed for each report.

You can change the layout format of your report by clicking Details in the upper right corner of the report. There are two different View options available for organizing your report.

  • Basic will display the expenses and categories in one table. 
  • Details will sort the expenses into different tables by category or tag (you choose) or by billable/non-billable or reimburdsable/non-reimbursable.

Please note that large reports with a very large number of expenses may cause the PDF download to fail due to the large resolution images used. Try breaking the report into smaller reports e.g. Monthly or Quarterly.

Exporting as a CSV

  • Exporting as a CSV gives you the ability to export your reports to your accounting system or to review and sort your data further, outside of Expensify.

Spreadsheets or CSV files are useful for moving your data out of Expensify, whether for your accounting package or to further review and organize data.

If you need to pick and choose just a handful of your expenses to export, you can trigger the export from the Expenses page. 

If you need to export entire reports, you can trigger the export from the Reports page. To do this, select the reports you'd like to export, click "Export To", and then choose the default CSV, or you can choose to create your own CSV export template.

Need to create a template to export? To learn more about how to create a template to export, visit our reports export page

Note: If you have other templates besides the default that Expensify has created for you - these will also show the document with a green arrow as their icon. If you require these to be shared with users, please email These cannot be shared with more than 5 people as maintaining them takes a lot of resources!

Export to your Accounting Package

If your accounting software has been directly integrated with Expensify, you will be able to export directly from the Reports tab (if you are a group policy admin). Visit the specific help page for your accounting package to learn more detail on how to get this set up.

To export reports, select the reports you'd like to export, click "Export To", and then choose your accounting system. For example, this is how you would export to FinancialForce:

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