Deep Dive - Xero: Multi-Currency

Sonia Liapounova
Sonia Liapounova Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team Posts: 210 Expensify Team
edited May 2021 in Deep Dive Docs

When using multi-currency in Xero and exporting reimbursable expenses, the bill will use the output currency in your Expensify policy, as long as it is enabled in Xero.

Your general ledger reports will convert to the home currency in Xero using currency exchange rates, as set in Xero. 

For non-reimbursable expenses, the bank transactions will use the currency on the bank account in Xero, regardless of the currency in Expensify. 

If these currencies do not match, we use a 1:1 exchange rate, so make sure the output currency in Expensify matches the currency on the bank account in Xero.

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