Trying to upload dependent tags with powershell, almost there...

ComportTom Expensify Customer Posts: 21 Expensify Newcomer

So I am following up on a prior post 'Powershell to update tags using API’ that looks like it ended with the user abandoning uploading a tag file, instead they embedded their independent tags into the json.

Using the code in their post below.....


[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web

$ptruserID = "......."

$ptrusersec = "......."

$PolicyID = "......."

$dependency = $true

$glCodes =$false

$header = $true


$json = [ordered]@{





















 } | ConvertTo-Json

$url = ""

$request = "requestJobDescription="

$file = Get-Item -Path C:\users\repetto\ExpensifyTags.csv

#$file = Import-CSV -Path C:\users\repetto\ExpensifyTags.csv

$encode = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($file)

$body = $request + $json + "'&file='$encode"

Invoke-Webrequest -uri $url -body $body -Method Post


I get this result............

SatusCode       : 200

StatusDescription : OK

Content          : {"responseMessage":"Could not split the file on multiple lines. The file probably does not have proper End Of Line characters.","responseCode":666}

RawContent       : HTTP/1.1 200 OK

                   Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

                   Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS, GET, POST

                   Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;

                   Content-Length: 147

                   Content-Type: text/plain;charset=u...

Forms            : {}

Headers          : {[Access-Control-Allow-Origin, *], [Access-Control-Allow-Methods, OPTIONS, GET, POST], [Strict-Transport-Security, max-age=31536000;], [Content-Length, 147]...}

Images           : {}

InputFields      : {}

Links            : {}

ParsedHtml       : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass

RawContentLength : 147


I verified that my csv ends each line with a crlf.

Here are the contents of the key variables:

PS C:\Users\Repetto> $file

Directory: C:\users\repetto

Mode               LastWriteTime        Length Name

-a----       2/11/2020 10:10 AM        362446 ExpensifyTags.csv     


PS C:\Users\Repetto> $encode



PS C:\Users\Repetto> $body


   "type": "update",

   "credentials": {

               "partnerUserID": "…….",

                "partnerUserSecret": "……."


   "inputSettings": {

               "type": "policy",

               "policyIDList": ["……."]


   "tags": {

                "config": {

                               "setRequired": true,

                               "glCodes": false,

                               "header": true,

                               "dependency": true,

                               "fileType": "csv"


                "source": "file",

                "action": "replace"




Can anyone help me understand this error and how to fix?


