How To: Update/Edit your Profile in

Cheryl Walsh
Cheryl Walsh Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 104 Expensify Team
edited September 2021 in How-to Docs

Want to add a photo or edit your profile in It's easy!

All you have to do is click your avatar on the top right corner and you will be able to do edit your Profile, Preferences, Password, and Payments!

IMPORTANT! Your avatar, name, email, phone number, and details will be available to your contacts! You don’t have to include any details you’re not comfortable with sharing.

  • Profile: Customize your profile by adding your name, a photo, and your preferred pronouns! If you want to settle up with Venmo on mobile, add a valid US phone number to your profile here too!

IMPORTANT! If you add a phone number to your account as a secondary log-in in your profile, we won’t make that visible to your contacts. It is only if you have a phone number as your primary login that we would do that!

  • Preferences: Choose to receive relevant feature updates and Expensify news. You can also choose how your chats are displayed; either in order of Most Recent or most important ... #Focus
  • Change Password: Needs no explanation!
  • Payments: Add your account details here to receive and send payment.
  • About: is built by a community of open source developers from around the world! Select About and you can view the code, view open jobs and report a bug!

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