Deep Dive: Karma Feedback Loops

Stef_Expensify123 Expensify Customer, Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 6 Expensify Team
edited August 2021 in Deep Dive Docs

What are Karma Feedback Loops? is a 501(c)(3) charity funded by the public, users (who opt in via Karma donations,) and Expensify the company.  Volunteers submit their campaign expenses via the Expensify app to receive reimbursement from You can find out more about the current campaigns here.

The charity’s mission is to empower individuals and communities to eliminate injustice around the world by making giving and volunteering more convenient, meaningful, and collaborative.

Karma Feedback Loops are a feature of the Expensify product which connects donors with volunteers of, showing the real-world effect of their donations. Donors can find out directly from the volunteers’ expense reports  where their donations have gone and ask them directly how this has helped.

As part of the Karma Feedback Loop, when an volunteer’s expense report is reimbursed, their expense report is automatically shared with the very group of donors who funded that expense. Concierge makes the introduction on the expense report and the group can either continue to chat there, or they can download the new beta app and create a group chat from their contacts for a more fun experience.

If you are receiving this report, this means that you are a donor either through being an Expensify Cardholder (where for every swipe you make, we’ll donate 10% of the interchange on your behalf), or through Personal or Corporate Karma (or indeed an employee of a company who has opted into Corporate Karma). Thanks for helping us to create a more just and generous world!