Cleaning up the Company Card view

Ted Harris
Ted Harris Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 359 Expensify Team
edited January 2018 in Product Updates

We know that Company Card management is one of the most-loved features of Expensify, and we’ve also noticed that our New Year, New Look update has added a few pounds to the Company Card view.

For example, each row was bulked out with two rows of buttons and as we all know, New Years are for shedding the lbs, not putting them on. With that in mind, we’ve hit the gym and cleaned this up.

Now, if you want to Unassign or Update a card, it’s nested neatly within the blue cog icon:

PS: those eagle-eyed customers may also spot another exciting company card change which is coming very soon!