Report not being emailed through API

jesusmartinez Expensify Customer Posts: 3

Hi Everyone; I'm able to get a report with the desired filters using API call, if I set the "onFinish" condition to send an email is just not working; no errors on the response just the random file name generated but no receiving the email (waited for over 2 hours and still not received) do anyone have an idea what can be wrong? Api call body here:

{"type":"file","credentials":{"partnerUserID":"_REPLACE_","partnerUserSecret":"_REPLACE_"},"onReceive":{"immediateResponse":["returnRandomFileName"]},"inputSettings":{"type":"combinedReportData","reportState":"OPEN,SUBMITTED,APPROVED","filters":{"startDate":"2023-01-09","endDate":"2023-01-10"}},"outputSettings":{"fileExtension":"csv"},"onFinish":{"actionName":"email","recipients":"","message":"Report is ready."}}

