Request Copilot Access

MLKG Expensify Customer Posts: 1 Expensify Newcomer


I'd like to request a feature for being able to request copilot access so company admin's do not have to rely on expensify users to grant the access solely on their own timeline.

Ideally admin's would be able to navigate to a user account ">request access ">user recieves email stating that an admin is requesting access> user clicks link in email that grants access.

This would be more streamlined then asking casual expensify users to navigate to their settings, and then add someone as copilot. Imagine emailing every card holder in your company to ask them to add you as a copilot... when you could simply selecting their names from the Domain section and ask them to grant you that access.

Thank you!😀


  • NRiz
    NRiz Expensify Customer Posts: 1

    As an add on, it would be great to have a feature where a designated account has access to simply assign copilots.

    I work at a company with several off-site and fairly autonomous executives. It is often difficult to get timely compliance with these kinds of back-office setup requests, especially when they are newly hired. We also have some specific billing protocols, and there are some significant inefficiencies when their assistants don't have access to review and make changes. Incorrect tags on submitted reports then fall to whoever the approver is, usually someone in accounting, who then has to loop in the assistant or someone else with more regular touch points to follow up with the executive for incorrect/unclear/missing information.

    Thank you!