How do I change the email address that I submit reports to?

ebarr Expensify Customer Posts: 1 Expensify Newcomer
edited January 2019 in Day to Day

How do I change an e-mail on the site. Right now my expenses are going to I need them to go to (not plural)


  • Sheena Trepanier
    Sheena Trepanier Expensify Team, Approved! Accountant, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 1,362 Expensify Team
    edited March 2020

    Hi there! The email that you submit your expenses to is most often controlled by the workflow your policy admin has put in place.

    If you are a policy admin already, you can update this from under Settings > Policies > Group > [Policy name] > People, and update the email in the 'Submit to' field/column. You can learn more about the approval workflow here.

    If you're not a policy admin (you don't have an 'Admin' tab at the top of your screen), then you can reach out to a manager and let them know that your reports are submitting to the wrong email address. The admin should be able to update the email and all your future reports will be submitted to the email address they update it to.


  • Michael Haxhiu
    Michael Haxhiu Expensify Customer, Expensify Team Posts: 87 Expensify Team
    edited August 2017

    Great question. What @Sheena Trepanier stated is the best long term solution, hands down!

    If you are in a pinch, one idea to consider - you might be able to override the designated email address where you submit reports if your policy allows for it.

    You can test this next time you are ready to submit a report by doing the following:

    • Click [Submit] on the report
    • Then, you'll be prompted to input/adjust the "To/CC/Memo" fields if desired
    • Adjust the email address in the "To" field to be "" and click "Change it"
    • Then click [Submit]

    This is a short term solution given that it will require you to override the currently set email each time you submit a report, but will allow you to route reports correctly in the mean time.