When will Admin's be allow to block notifications and home page info

RRodery Expensify Customer Posts: 2

When will admins be allowed to block the Expensify Credit card notifications as well self promo on the log in screens????????????????????

This is really causing a lot of frustration with employees as management, we've been told on more than one occasion to either shut this off! or get rid of the service!

It's very frustrating that we have our own corporate credit cards with their preferred incentives however our employees are being marketed for Epensify's card only to be further frustrated when we turn them down.

This is very poor planning on Expensify's part, with no regard whatsoever for business admins.

Please advise when this feature will be available, or if the road map for Expensify is to continually market our employees for future Expensify items regardless if Enterprise companies want them or not.
