API Request no longer working

SynergyResources Expensify Customer Posts: 3


I sent an email to concierge but was referred to here and hoping someone can help. I've written an integration years ago and have not change anything except including the email address in my output. This was a change done some time last year. In the last 2 days, myself and other customers that I've given my program too are unable to retrieve expense reports (continuously getting a Bad Request(400) error.

My request is as follows:



{ "test":"true", "type":"file", "credentials": { "partnerUserID":"aa_expenses_synergyresources_net","partnerUserSecret":"REMOVED_FOR_SECURITY"}, "onReceive":{ "immediateResponse": ["returnRandomFileName"] }, "inputSettings":{ "type":"combinedReportData", "reportState":"APPROVED", "filters":{ "policyIDList":"A60D109AFADC1E1E,A7C8CECC7792F607","startDate":"2020-03-25","endDate":"2020-03-25","markedAsExported":"SAP" } }, "outputSettings":{ "fileExtension":"xls" }, "onFinish": [ {"actionName":"markAsExported","label":"SAP"} ] }

<#-- Header -->

Submitted Date,Expense Date, Report ID,ReportName,UserID,Merchant,Reimbursable, Billable,Category,GLCode,Comments,Tag,Amount,Email Address

<#list reports as report>

<#list report.transactionList as expense>

<#--Compute the final amount, merchant, and created date and store them in variable -->

<#if expense.convertedAmount?has_content>

<#assign amount = (expense.convertedAmount/100)>

<#elseif expense.modifiedAmount?has_content>

<#assign amount = (expense.modifiedAmount/100)>


<#assign amount = (expense.amount/100)>


<#if expense.modifiedMerchant?has_content>

<#assign merchant = expense.modifiedMerchant>


<#assign merchant = expense.merchant>


<#if expense.modifiedCreated?has_content>

<#assign created = expense.modifiedCreated>


<#assign created = expense.created>


















Any help would be greatly appreciated as all of my customers (as well as us as a company) are no longer able to use the software.
