Questions on currency conversion surcharge

lcarcone Expensify Customer Posts: 4 Expensify Newcomer


We are a company based in Europe whose collaborators travel around the world.

We'd like to use a cloud solution to manage expense reimbursements instead of our own application and we found that Expensify is one of the best solutions.

We use the Euro as currency policy and one important feature for us is how the expenses in foreign currencies are converted.

We use a global currency overhead that is added to the rate exchange.

Some points are currently blocking us in Expensify.

In the Exchange rate documentation I see that a surcharge can be set for each Individual policy but what we need is to have it defined in the Group policy.

Morevoer, the surcharge is added to the original amount of the expense in foreign currency, we do need to keep this amount unchanged and instead add the surcharge to the converted amount.

I saw that a similar question has been already asked for this problem but no ETA has been set.

I'd like to support such a request as the lack of these features prevents us to switch to Expensify.

What would be the estimated time for them to be implemented (months, years) ?

We can wait for them if we know that they will be addressed in the next 6 or 9 months for instance.

How to be informed of any progress on this subject ?

Best Regards,

Laurent Carcone


  • Nicole Mendonca
    Nicole Mendonca Expensify Customer, Expensify Team Posts: 131 Expensify Team

    Hi @lcarcone! Thanks for getting in touch.

    If you would like to submit a feature request you would need to do so in the Ideas section of the Community here. This question is a FAQ, not a request.

    There are loads of workarounds you can use here if you do not want users to set their own personal surcharge. For example, you can ask the employees to change the amount of the expense to include exchange / FX fees. When a user changes the amount of an expense, we'll add a note that says "Expense amount is greater than the amount read by SmartScan" which the approver can use to gauge if the modified amount is reasonable.

    Alternatively, employees can create a separate expense, code it to a "Exchange / FX fees" category.

    Let me know if you have any questions on that!