Exporting Purchase Amount, Currency and Date

Kjacobsen Expensify Customer Posts: 10


I have a CSV import for my corporate credit card info, this seems to be importing the post date, transaction date, original and billed currency and amounts correctly. The import definition seems correct to me.

Running through all of the expenses, everything appears correctly. Just so you are aware, all of our transactions are billed in AUD and the reports currency is set to AUD.

As part of our expense process, I need a CSV with the original transaction date, currency and original amount, and the transaction description and the unmodified merchant information.

Looking at one transaction that was made in USD, {expense:amount:originalcurrency} was listed as AUD, and expense:originalamount} was the amount in AUD. It was showing the billed amounts and currency. I was expecting these to have the original currency and amount considering during the import, these values where imported with attributes "Original Currency" and "Original Amount".

After some work, and some help from support, I discovered that I can get the actual USD purchase amount using {expense:purchaseamount}, and I can get the original currency using undocumented field {expense:purchasecurrency}.

Unfortunately I still have 3 issues.

  1. {expense:purchaseamount} is being listed with currency symbols - e.g. A$30.14. No amount of :nosymbol or :unformatted seems to remove it. This breaks one of our down stream processes.
  2. I can't see how to get the original transaction date,
  3. I also can't get the unmodified merchant values. If the merchant is updated in expenses, its modified in the CSV.

I think I could do this using integration services and the API, but if I need to go down that path, that is quite a bit of coding and work.

I was sure during some previous testing that this was possible, but it doesn't seem to be now.
