Multi-level Tagging

nhoffman94_tob Expensify Customer Posts: 39 Expensify Newcomer

We have many tags that are dependent on other tags, so I have set up all these on the multi-tagging spreadsheet, which works great.

But, all the tags depend on which Category is selected. So right now I have put in all of my categories as tags on that spreadsheet instead, and disabled the default categories. Is there a way I can stop the default "Category" field from showing up on each expense?

Or is there a way I can fill out the multi-level tagging spreadsheet in a way where tags can be dependent on a default category?


  • Karisa Latta
    Karisa Latta Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team Posts: 147 Expensify Team

    Hey @nhoffman94_tob

    There isn't a way just yet to have tags reliant on specific categories without managing your categories as a tag themselves. We are considering a feature for this, though!

    In the meantime, set up your multi-level tag file just as you described with the categories as your first level. Then, disable the People Must Categorize Expenses option in Settings - Policies - Group - [Policy Name] - Categories:

    I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have more questions.