How to account for over-reimbursing an employee in a past report

Cr711 Expensify Customer Posts: 2 Expensify Newcomer
edited August 2018 in Day to Day

Employee submitted a refund to a prior expense. How is that handled through Expensify? Is that charge deducted from the employee's bank account?

Best Answer

  • Sheena Trepanier
    Sheena Trepanier Expensify Team, Approved! Accountant, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 1,362 Expensify Team
    edited March 2020 Answer ✓

    Hello @Cr711 - thanks for joining and posting to the Community!

    Expensify does not withdraw funds from employee accounts to pay back any over reimbursement. Instead, what we recommend is having the employee add a negative reimbursable expense to their next reimbursable report. This can be accomplished by creating an expense and wrapping the amount in parenthesis - i.e. (5.00).

    When this happens, we'll deduct the amount of the negative expense from the positive reimbursable total of the report. In essence, the employee receives a smaller future reimbursement to "pay back" their previous over-reimbursement.

    I hope this helps!
