Can you get a link to the Report (not the expense) using Custom Export format

jbaxter Approved! Accountant Posts: 40 Expensify Admirer

I need a link to the report in my custom export format but it looks like I can only get the link to the individual expense? Does anyone know how to get the report link or do I have to use the API?

Best Answer

  • Ted Harris
    Ted Harris Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 359 Expensify Team
    Answer ✓

    Hey again @jbaxter - this one should actually be pretty simple because:
    1. The link used for a Report is exactly the same across Expensify, for everything but the Report ID AND
    2. The Report ID is something you can generate in a Custom Export!

    For example, here's one of my reports in Expensify:

    Here you can see that the URL leading up to the the Report ID is simply:

    ...finishing with the Report ID itself:


    All you'll need to do when creating your CSV Export formula is to put these two strings together!{report:id}
