Using QBO,, and Expensify - Help material

CPAFirm_Wallace Expensify Customer Posts: 16 Expensify Admirer

Attached is A draft of the guidance that My practice created Internally for when Expensify, and QBO is in use for a client. Can you see if this is in accord with your product’s functionality and also with any best practices that you guys may have identified when the products are used together?

Expensify doesn't have any documentation on how, Expensify, and QBO work together, we are trying to piece this all together ourselves. I want to make sure what we put together is accurate, maybe your team can use this too!


  • Nicole Trepanier
    Nicole Trepanier Expensify Team Posts: 498 Expensify Team

    Hi @CPAFirm_Wallace. Thanks for putting this together! It's going to be a big help understanding the integration from an accounting perspective.

    I did make a couple of adjustments to the flow chart. (forgive the sloppy photo shop) There is one part of the flow that isn't quite right. With the three way integration, we don't send a PDF directly to We send the report to QBO, then it goes from QBO to fully coded.

    What the Expensify/ integration does, is sends the individual receipt images to the existing bill in after it's created via the QBO/ integration.

    This is why there is no duplicate bill in when you are connected to both. Nothing is sent to the inbox. Let me know if you have any other questions or if you want me to take a look once you've updated your doc.