Default Tags for an Employee

SWalsh_2019 Expensify Customer Posts: 3 Expensify Newcomer

Hi I saw a discussion from last year about the possibility of developing this capability. What is the status of this and if it is not available is there a workaround? We have an urgent need to reduce time spent reviewing.


  • Nicole Trepanier
    Nicole Trepanier Expensify Team Posts: 498 Expensify Team

    Hi @SWalsh_2019. I replied on your comment on that thread so I'm going to reply here as well.

    Because the tag options differ for each company's policy, it's been difficult to find a way to do this that works for everyone. Disabling tag levels creates a wide array of problems.

    Employees can set their own default tags by using the Expense Rules feature in their account settings. Rules can be created to apply to all expenses by entering "." in the merchant name field.