As an admin, how can I control the default policies for employees?

Bindu Expensify Customer Posts: 12 Expensify Newcomer
edited March 2020 in Day to Day

Hi - When an employee belongs to more than one Group Policy - Say 'India Policy' and 'USA Policy' and each employee also has an 'Individual Policy', how to set a default policy for Employees when creating 'New Expensify Reports'.

At times it is defaulting to their 'Individual Policy' instead of the intended policy, I am aware that this can be changed by each employee by clicking on their Login Icon on the top left and defaulting to one Policy , but is there a way to change to default for employees based on the Group Policy they belong to.

For instance India Employees to be defaulted to 'India Policy' when creating New Expense Report and U.S Employees to be defaulted to 'USA Policy' when creating New Expense Report.

We tried to change this by enabling the  “Restrict primary policy selection“ setting on ‘Domain Control’ on the ' this defaulted all the Employees to One Single Policy selected here !!! This also changed all the existing 'Open Reports' to the Defaulted Policy !!!! Is Domain Control common for all the Policies ? and how do we default Policies to employees as stated above ?

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