API pull report.name (within template_report.py)

DidDoggggg Expensify Customer Posts: 2 Expensify Newcomer
edited May 2023 in Integrations and API


I'm using the API to export all the expense data in CSV out of Expensify to my BI software.

I'm current running a code which uses the following template_report.py.

Everything works well EXCEPT the report.name part (last line of the code) which always returns empty cells. I'm surprised because the report.status values are exported fine.

NB1 : Report names are of a standard format "YYYY-Month.FirstName LastName"

NB2 : I've also tried to replace ${report.name}<#lt> with ${quoteCsv(unescapeHtml(report.name))}<#lt> and adding the definition of the quoteCsv & unescapteHtml earlier in the template_reporty.py code (as suggested in the API documentation ?) but it didn't work either.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Yours, Did Doggggg


template = """

<#if addHeader == true>

    Report created¨ Transaction made¨ Merchant¨ Amount¨ modifiedAmount¨ modifiedCreated¨ modifiedMerchant¨ Devise¨ MCC¨ Category¨ Tag¨ Reimbursable¨ Billable¨ Account email¨ Attendees¨ TVA_percentage¨ Status¨ Description¨ AmountConvertedCurrency¨ ReportName<#lt>


<#assign reportNumber = 1>

<#assign expenseNumber = 1>

<#list reports as report>

    <#list report.transactionList as expense>

        <#assign attendeeList = "">

        <#list expense.attendees as attendee>

         <#assign attendeeList = attendeeList + attendee.email + ", ">





        <#-- note: expense.amount prints the original amount only -->









        ${expense.reimbursable?string("true", "false")}¨<#t>

        ${expense.billable?string("true", "false")}¨<#t>


        ${attendeeList?remove_ending(", ")}¨<#t>






        <#assign expenseNumber = expenseNumber + 1>


    <#assign reportNumber = reportNumber + 1>



