Expensify App Flow

sking500 Expensify Customer Posts: 1

I am building an integration between my client's ERP solution and Expensify using the Expensify API and would like to know if I have the general flow of the Expensify application correct to make sure I can marry it up to the client's expectations.

The client would like to categorize expenses according to projects their employees work on and report on them on a monthly basis.

Based on the API alone it appears that they would need to create a Report on a monthly basis for each employee in order to pull that month's expenses. To track the project, they'd need to create a Policy with a Tag rule with the project id or name as the tag. Whenever an expense was created, the policy id for this project would be assigned to the expense and the rule would apply the project id/name tag to the expense. The employee would also specify a Report to assign the expense to so that that expense would be associated with the monthly expense report.

The Advanced Employee Updater could be used to keep employee data in their ERP solution in sync with Expensify if it changes. Since there doesn't appear to be an Employee Reader, changes to the Employee information in Expensify could not be downloaded to the ERP solution.

The integration could then use the Report Exporter to export the monthly expenses into a CSV or XLXS file which could then be downloaded via the Downloader to, then, post the expenses into their ERP solution.

Am I on the correct track?