How to get the externalID value for a custom report field?

adobos Expensify Customer Posts: 2 Expensify Newcomer

Using the API you can update the fields that are listed for a custom report field.

In the update you can use objects ex. [...{ "name": "value 3", "externalID": "3", "enabled": true } ...] instead of a list of strings. I can even view the externalID values by inspecting the element of my dropdown report field in a Chrome browser. I can also use the report exporter and downloader in the API to get the value of the "name" of of the object, but I cannot find a way to get the externalID of the object. How do you get the externalID in the API?



  • DevonHerlitz
    DevonHerlitz Expensify Customer Posts: 3

    Hey, this should work for you

    <#if addHeader == true>    
    <#list reports as report>   
      <#list report.transactionList as expense>

    The `externalID` hangs off the expense. I don't know if you can access it from the UI, but you can use the Integrations API and the download report endpoint with this template.