How-to: Remove a Policy Member

Rachael Hopkins
Rachael Hopkins Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 904 Expensify Team
edited August 2023 in How-to Docs
  1. Important: Make sure the employee has submitted all Open reports and the reports have been approved, reimbursed, etc. as needed.
  2. Go to Settings > Policies > Group > [Policy Name] > People > Policy Members
  3. Select the person you'd like to remove and click the Remove button at the top of the People table.

If this person was an approver, you'll want to make sure that reports are not routing to them any longer in the workflow. Make sure to adjust for these.

All reports from this person on this policy will still be available and searchable, so you will not lose any data. You can navigate to the Reports page and enter the employee's email in the search field to find these reports. Open reports will be the only reports that will be taken off the policy and removed from the admin's view. The employee will also still have view of all submitted reports in their account, but the policy will simply appear as "(not shared)" for the reports that existed on the policy.

Important Note:

Removing a user from a policy only does not delete their account nor does it deactivate the Expensify Card. It will simply disable their ability to use the policy.

If you have a Control Policy and have Domain Control enabled, you will want to make sure to remove them from the domain to delete employees' accounts entirely and deactivate the Expensify Card.

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