How-to: Automate reimbursement

Mark Louis
Mark Louis Expensify Team Posts: 167 Expensify Team
edited March 2022 in How-to Docs

By default, if reimbursement is enabled on your group policy, expense reports will be automatically reimbursed once they have been Final Approved.

For additional control over when funds are withdrawn, you can also set a Manual Reimbursement threshold, which creates an extra step before any report over that threshold can be reimbursed.

When a Manual Reimbursement threshold is set, a policy admin will need to manually trigger a reimbursement using the Reimburse button within the report after it has been Final Approved on reports above the threshold.

For example, a $500 report submitted in the below policy will be auto-reimbursed while a report for $15,000 will need to have reimbursement manually initiated by an admin.

To set a Manual Reimbursement threshold, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Policies > Group [Policy Name] > Reimbursement.
  2. Scroll down to Manual Reimbursement.
  3. Enter your threshold amount.

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