Deep Dive: Understanding math and substring formula for custom exports

Stevie LaFortune
Stevie LaFortune Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 240 Expensify Team
edited August 2021 in Deep Dive Docs

The more you know - - - 

Information about the current user exporting the reports.  This is useful if you need to print the name of the exporter.  

  • To export the email of the currently logged in Expensify user -
  • {user:email} would output assuming that is the currently logged in Expensify user's email.
  • {user:email|frontPart} would output bob assuming that is the currently logged in Expensify user's email.  
  • You are able to add formulas that are a math type, allowing you to do arbitrary mathematical equations in your export.
  • * — Multiplication {math: 3 * 4} output 12
  • / — Division {math: 3 / 4 }output 0.75
  • + — Addition {math: 3 + 4 }output 
  • - — Subtraction {math: 3 - 4 }output -1
  • ^ — Exponent {math: 3 ^ 4 } output 81
  • sqrt — The square root of a number. {sqrt:64} output 8

  • Note - You can also combine the value of any two numerical fields. For example, you can use {math: {expense:tag:glcode} + {expense:category:glcode}} to add the value of the Tag GL code with the Category GL code.
  • Substring formulas will output a subset of the string in question. It is important to remember that the count starts at 0 not 1.
  • <strong>{expense:merchant|substr:0:4}</strong> would output Star for a merchant named Starbucks. This is because we are telling it to start at position 0 and be of 4 character length.
  • <strong>{expense:merchant|substr:4:5}</strong> would output bucks for a merchant named Starbucks. This is because we are telling it to start at position 4 and be of 5 character length.
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