How-to: Add and remove attendees on expenses

Christina Dobryzynski
Christina Dobryzynski Expensify Success Coach - Admin, Expensify Team, Expensify Student Ambassador Posts: 267 Expensify Team
edited May 2021 in How-to Docs

Attendee Tracking allows users to add colleagues to expenses to account for shared spending scenarios, as well as offers a way to document meeting and event attendees for transparency in group spend. 

Important Note: There must be at least one attendee for all expenses- usually it will be just you!

How to add an attendee to an expense

When you create an expense on the web or mobile app, use the Attendees field within the expense to input internal and/or external attendees. 

Both internal and external attendees can be added to an expense. 

  • Internal attendees are users who belong to policies which you are a part of or members of your domain
  • External attendees on the other hand are users who are not on your group policy or a part of your domain. 

To add internal attendees:

  1. Click/tap the Attendee field to reveal a searchable list of users. 
  2. Select the internal attendees from the list to add them to the expense. 

To add external attendees:

  1. Type in the individual’s name or email address. 
  2. Tap "Add" to add the attendee and either add more attendees, or finish editing your expense.

Once added, a list of attendees for each expense will appear on the expense line. 

Adding a group of attendees

  1. Open the expense, click on the Attendee field.
  2. Type of the name of each attendee and click Enter to add them to the list as separate entries.

How to remove an attendee from an expense

  1. Open the expense, click/tap the Attendees field to reveal the list of attendees. 
  2. From the list, unselect the attendees whom you’d like to remove from the expense.
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